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Opera and ballet

The Tadjik Academic Opera and ballet theatre of Sadriddin Ayni
Opera and ballet theatre - leading musical theatre of Tajikistan. It is created in Dushanbe in 1940 on the basis of the Tadjik musical theatre (1936-40). The troupe included singers: T.Fazylova, B.Turaev, A.Mullokandov, H.Ahmedov, H.Tairov. Also the small dancing troupe, in the beginning only four-five persons has been created: dancers and dancers: A.Azimov, A.Iskhakov, M.Kabilov and others which executed mainly national dances in operas and drama performances, took part in concerts...

Youth theatre

State Youth theatre of M.Vahidova
In 1965 the group of young, promising children consisting of 24 persons has been directed to GITIS from Tajikistan. Upon termination of faculty of actor's skill they have returned back to Dushanbe and have created Youth theatre. It has been named youth for two reasons. First, the repertoire of this theatre has been calculated on a youth, student's audience, and secondly, the initial collective of theatre was young enough. Later to theatre it has been appropriated A.Vahidova's name, one of the most talented actors of the Tadjik scene...

Theatre of dolls

Dushanbinsky Theatre of dolls
The Dushanbinsky theatre of dolls has been created in the beginning of 1985 under the guidance of the honoured worker of arts РТ Зафара Джавадова. The troupe and necessary experts who helped occurrence of 13th under the account of professional theatre with Tajikistan has been typed. There was a hard work on preparation of performances. Professionals (actors-puppeteers, artists) from other theatres were invited...

The Tadjik Akakdemichesky Theatre of A.Lahuti

The Tadjik Akakdemichesky Theatre of A.Lahuti
The Tadjik academic theatre of A.Lahuti has been created together with Russian academic theatre of V.Majakovskogo in 1929. Theatres took places in the building of Russian theatre which is in the main street of of Dushanbe. Statements went one day on Tadjik, another - in Russian languages. Theatre named in honour of A.Lahuti, the revolutionary vos-exact writer, the poet, the playwright who has much made for theatre development in Tajikistan...

The state Russian Drama Theatre of V.V. Majakovsky
On November, 7th, 1937 N.Virty's performance "Earth" has begun the work the Russian drama theatre first in Tajikistan to which in 1940 name Вл has been appropriated. Majakovsky. From the very beginning of its activity in republic, in performances many actors of the Tadjik academic drama theatre of A.Lahuti participate. The initial collective consisted of graduates of the Moscow theatre-studio, pupils of the National actor of the USSR A.D.Dikogo...