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The Tadjik Academic Opera and ballet theatre of Sadriddin Ayni

Opera and ballet theatre - leading musical theatre of Tajikistan. It is created in Dushanbe in 1940 on the basis of the Tadjik musical theatre (1936-40). The troupe included singers: T.Fazylova, B.Turaev, A.Mullokandov, H.Ahmedov, H.Tairov.

Also the small dancing troupe, in the beginning only four-five persons has been created: dancers and dancers: A.Azimov, A.Iskhakov, M.Kabilov and others which executed mainly national dances in operas and drama performances, took part in concerts. Ballet masters A.N.Islamova and A.I.Protsenko who have started to conduct employment by classical and characteristic dance headed troupe. The first Tadjik ballet "Ду гуль" ("Two roses") has been put A.S.Lenskogo in 1941. Has carried out statement one of K.JA.Golejzovsky's the largest Soviet ballet masters. By means of Исламовой, Проценко and G.R.Valamat-zade Golejzovsky was possible to create performance on the basis of folklore dances.

In 1941 theatre has taken part in a decade of the Tadjik art in Moscow, having shown the first Tadjik operas - "Revolt Восэ", "Smith Kova" Баласаняна, the first Tadjik ballet "Two roses" Lensky, musical representation "Лола" Баласаняна and Урбаха.

In 1940-1950 the troupe continued to grow and gradually seized technics of classical dance.

In 40-60th the theatre has carried out statement of new Tadjik operas: "Тахир and Зухра" (1944), "Bride" (1946), "Пулат and Гульру" Сайфиддинова (1957), "Комде and Мадан" Шахиди (1960), and also the Tadjik ballets: "Лейли and Меджнун" Баласаняна (1947), "Дильбар" Lensky (1954), "the Blue carpet" Вольберга (1958), etc.

Among leading soloists of theatre it is necessary to mention national to the art claim of the USSR, professor Mavljanovu Hanifu Muhiddinovnu, worked in theatre in a current of 40 years, with 1943 for 1983. The people praised it to the skies for its bright voice, it named "a nightingale of Tajikistan". It rattled the voice not only in Tajikistan, but also in Uzbekistan, and also in other countries of near and far abroad (America, Asia, Europe). She sang in all main opera parties, the skilled worker "шашкома" to sing and learn secrets шашкома its stepfather, Мухиддин Мавлянов - устод, the national musician and the executor шашкомов has learnt.

Since 1954 the new generation of the Tadjik actors who have ended vocal branch of the Moscow conservatory has come to theatre: L.Kabirova, R.Burhanov, F.Khakimov, J.Galibov, etc. and the Leningrad choreographic school: S.Azamatova, B.Dzhurabaev, M.Burhanov, M.Sabirova, B.Isaeva, etc. With 1944 at theatre Russian and West European classical operas which are executed in Russian are put also. The ballet troupe puts products of world classics and the Soviet authors.

But as a whole the troupe yet did not have professionalism, uniform ensemble. These difficulties have been overcome in the sixties. The big role graduates of the Leningrad choreographic school here have played, their first group (18 persons) has arrived in 1958. And in the second group, in 1961, was Малика Сабирова. The Tadjik ballerina has brought from the Academic choreographic school of a name of A.J.Vaganovoj of tradition of the Leningrad ballet school - high culture of classical dance, severity of style, nobleness of execution.

Among the first graduates of the Leningrad school were Бозгуль Исаева, Stalin Azamatova, Сусанна Узакова, Баходур Джурабаев, Шарафбону Турдыева, Dzhavad-back Tagira, Музаффар Умаров. With arrival of highly skilled actors the dancing culture in troupe has raised, the repertoire became richer and more various.

The premiere "Жизели" in November, 1958, with participation of young actors S.Azamatovoj (Giselle) and B.Dzhurabaeva (Albert), has passed with tremendous success. The Leningrad pupils set the fashion on "Evenings of ballet", in new performances - "Шопениане", "Франческе yes Рими" to P.I.Chajkovskogo, "Corsair" A.Adana and L.Deliba, "the Big waltz" (S.Arbita's composition on I.Shtrausa's music), in many operas and operettas.

Two Leningrad releases have given to young theatre new forces. The hard work over creation of new performances of the most various genres has begun. Малика Сабирова and its contemporaries tried not to lose received in Leningrad, indefatigably improving the skill. Occurrence of new generation of the Tadjik dancers and dancers has coincided with inflow of a new creative power to other art forms of republic. Actors have come to drama theatres, in whose art have received development performing traditions. Turn was outlined in direction. Young directors were guided by gains of modern theatrical thought.

Artists have started to develop art forms absent till this moment - monumental painting, a gobelin, a stained-glass window, stamping, professional ceramics and film scenery. In painting the subjects have considerably extended, the maintenance has gone deep and has become complicated. The new generation of the Tadjik composers intensively developed the higher genres of professional musical art.

Theatre growth was promoted working in its troupe during various time by conductors - L.Kaufman, D.Dalgat, P.Bolenko; directors - R.Koroh, S.Saidmuradov, V.Rejnbah, A.Makarovsky; ballet masters - K.JA.Golejzovsky, A.Protsenko; artists - Е Чемодуров, V.Fufygin, V.Suslov; the manager. вок. A part - E.Prokofiev, etc.