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The state Youth theatre of M.Vahidova

In 1965 the group of young, promising children consisting of 24 persons has been directed to GITIS from Tajikistan. Upon termination of faculty of actor's skill they have returned back to Dushanbe and have created Youth theatre. It has been named youth for two reasons. First, the repertoire of this theatre has been calculated on a youth, student's audience, and secondly, the initial collective of theatre was young enough. Later to theatre it has been appropriated A.Vahidova's name, one of the most talented actors of the Tadjik scene, working in the Tadjik academic theatre of A.Lahuti with which participation fine performances which live in memory of an average and the senior generation have been created.

For the help in development and formation of created theatre from GITIS teachers have been directed:. V.Bibikov, M.P.Chistjakov, Devichinsky and others.

On December, 27th, 1971 solemn opening of Youth theatre of A.Vahidova - "Vassa Zheleznov" put under the play of M.Gorkogo's the performance has taken place. Pyzhikova O. I was the art director of theatre at that time.

In 1977 the theatre troupe replenishes with new people. It were the Tadjik students who come back after the termination of GITIS and have arrived on service in theatre.

For today the theatre troupe consists of 30 persons. The main director of theatre is Шавкат Халилов. The theatre lets out on 3-4 performances in the Tadjik language every year.

Festivals, tours in which the theatre participated

In 1985 the Youth theatre has gone on tour to Moscow in Small theatre with performances: "Much ado about nothing" (U.Shakespeare); "Process of seventeen" (J.Limanov); "As the steel" (under N.Ostrovsky's novel in M.Ancharova's processing) became tempered; "Carnation" (M.I.Olamov); "weeds" (S.Safarov). All these performances have passed successfully.

In 1993 at festival "Парасту-93" the Grand prix is received for performance "Сафар Махсум" directed by N.Dzhalolova. The same performance occupies 1 place at the international festival in Ashkhabad (1993).

In 1994 with performance "Рудаки" (S.Ulugzade) the theatre goes on tour to Teheran where makes grandiose success.

In 1997 performance "Заволи чамбули мастон" (S.Ajubi) wins the second Grand prix at festival "Парасту-97"