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The state Youth theatre of M.Vahidova

The Tadjik academic theatre of A.Lahuti has been created together with Russian academic theatre of V.Majakovskogo in 1929. Theatres took places in the building of Russian theatre which is in the main street of of Dushanbe. Statements went one day on Tadjik, another - in Russian languages.

Theatre named in honour of A.Lahuti, revolutionary east writer, the poet, the playwright who has much made for theatre development in Tajikistan. It has translated for the first time on the Tadjik language of a drama of Shakespeare and other authors. It translated them specially for statements at the Tadjik academic theatre.

During the Great Patriotic War in Dushanbe has been evacuated êðàñíîàðìåéñêèé theatre. Directors of this theatre, such as E.Mittelman, A.Aleksandrin, Êàíöåëü, put in a building belonging to Russian and Tadjik academic theatres of the play "Ôóýíòå Îâåõóíà" Ëîïå äå Âåãè, "Othello", "King Lir", "Romeo and Juliette", "Two âåðîíöà" U.Shakespeare, "the Grief from mind" Ampere-second. Griboedov, F.Schiller's "Robbers", "the Servant of two misters" K.Goldoni, "Uncle Vanja" And. P.Chekhov and many other things.

In 1957 the theatre moves in the new building located nearby to old, in which takes places and today.

The theatre troupe consists of 55 persons. Such known actors enter into it as T.Fazilova, A.Burhanov, M.Kasymov, having a rank of the National actor of the USSR; winners of the state award of the USSR - H.Gadoev, A.Muhamadzhanov; winners of state award ÐÒ of A.Rudaki - H.Majbaliev, A.Burhanov, H.Gadoev

Festivals, tours in which the theatre participated

In 60th years there passed tours in Afghanistan. In days of existence of the USSR the theatre has gone round almost all union republics.

Performance "Ýäèï" on product of antique author Sofokla (the director and featured actor H.Gadoev) has been put in 1990-1991. Performance made grandiose success and after its display in Moscow, director-director H.Gadoev has received a rank of the winner of the State award.

In 1998 the theatre with performance "Fringes ×óáèíà" has visited the international theatrical festival "Ôàäæð" which is passing in Iran. Performance at festival has received jury high appreciation.

Statement "love Call" (author K.Abdullo, director H.Majbaliev) has received Grand prix at festival "Ïàðàñòó-99" in 1999.

"Ñèä" Êîðíåëÿ (director H.Majbaliev) in 2001 became the winner of state award ÐÒ of A.Rudaki.