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The state Russian Drama Theatre of V.V. Majakovsky

On November, 7th, 1937 N.Virty's performance "Earth" has begun the work the Russian drama theatre first in Tajikistan to which in 1940 name Âë has been appropriated. Majakovsky. From the very beginning of its activity in republic, in performances many actors of the Tadjik academic drama theatre of A.Lahuti participate.

The initial collective consisted of graduates of the Moscow theatre-studio, pupils of the National actor of the USSR A.D.Dikogo. At first the theatre did not have a building, and performances were spent in the House of officers.

Wolves and sheep "A.N.Ostrovsky under the guidance of V.O.Toporkova, B.A.Lavreneva's"Break"under the guidance of the National actor of the USSR M.M.Janshina were the first performances".

During war 1941-1945 the theatre did not stop the work. Performances evacuated of Moscow in Dushanbe of theatre of Red Army also were put in this building. After war V.V. theatre. Majakovsky became the best drama Russian-speaking theatre in Tajikistan. The troupe often left on tour, in all republics USSR, and always their performances made the big success.

Despite departure of the most part of troupe led by the main director V.Ahadovym to Magnitogorsk during events 1991-1994, during post-war time the theatre could restore the lost potential and remained one of the cultural centres of republic. In collective new young actors, graduates of the studio existing at theatre, and Russian group of actor's faculty of the Tadjik State institute of arts of M.Tursunzade have started to work. The revival connects theatre with young actors who on a level with veterans are betrayed and follow fine traditions of Russian theatre and culture.

Now at theatre repertoire there are products of world classical and modern dramatic art. The general number of statements nearby 400. Among authors there are I.Babel, S.Mikhalkov, K.Goldoni, N.Makiavelli's names, Ampere-second. Pushkin and modern playwrights of Tajikistan.

The main director of theatre - the Honored artist of republic Tajikistan Sultan Usmonov, the graduate of the State institute of theatrical arts it. And. V.Lunacharsky. The theatre director - Mirzoev Suhrob who also is the graduate of given institute.

From April, 13 till April, 19th, 2001 the theatre with performance I.Babel's "Decline" - participated in the third International festival of Russian theatres of the CIS countries and Baltic "Meetings in Russia" which passed in St.-Petersburg. Performance with approval has been accepted by spectators.