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A ring of pure gold is adrift in the stream.
I see a young face in the sunshine agleam.

A beautiful girl and the swift current play,
She laughs as she frolics with ripples and spray.

The girl is herself like a wave gay and free –
An upsurge of joy and of laughter is she.

She dives, disappears and you may strain your eyes,
But all you will see are the bubbles that rise.

She does not appear for so long that you know
The water is clasping her tight there below.

She trembles as deep waters bear her away –
A lamb that is wounded, the snow-leopard's prey.

She swims to the surface and tosses her head –
Her jewels are lost on the deep river bed.

You've lost your adornments, but do not complain,
Without your great beauty they're worthless and plain.

You should understand that the luster of gold,
Deprived of your beauty, is tawdry and cold.

Tho' lost are your ear-rings and so is your ring,
Your beauty is matchless, the loveliest thing.

Swim on with no ring, O my dear one, be bold!
O, come to my love that is pure molten gold.

