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Nusratullo Maksum

Bio For three years he studied at a local school (Mekteb). He worked as a porter in a private factory in Kokand (1895-1906). Was dismissed for taking part in the riots. Returned to his native kishlah, where he worked in his own farm (1906-1920).
Soon after the uprising that led to the overthrow of the Emir of Bukhara, joined the RKP (b) (December 1920). In 1921-1923. - Chairman of the Garm Region Food Supply Committee of the Red Army, was authorized by the Central Election Commission of Bukhara NDS for eastern Bukhara, a member of the Extraordinary Commission of CEC Bukhara NDS for East Bukhara. In 1923-1924. - Deputy Chairman Deputy Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of the Garm and the chairman of Eastern Bukhara (Tajik) regional executive committee. Since October (according to other sources from December 1) 1924 - Chairman of the Provisional Revolutionary Committee of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic. Member of the CC CP (B) Uzbekistan (February 12, 1925 - June 4, 1930). The CEC Chairman of the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (December 1926 - October 16, 1929), the CEC Chairman of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic (October 16, 1929 - December 27, 1933). Member of the Bureau of the CC CP (b) Tajikistan (1930-1933).
With the transformation of the Federal Republic of Tajikistan, was elected co-chair of the CEC of the USSR (March 18, 1931 - January 4, 1934). Moderate position on the Tajik leadership to the prosperous peasantry during collectivization was censured at a meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU (b) December 5, 1933 Following this resolution, the fourth special session of the Tajik SSR CEC released (December 27, 1933) from office and the Chairman of the CPC Maksum Tajik SSR Abdurrahima Hodzhibaeva for "anti-party and in many cases, anti-Soviet" policy. Chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the USSR Central Tadzhibaev demanded removal Maksum as chairman of the CEC of the USSR during the session of January 4, 1934 the CEC approved the decision to replace Maksum other representative of Tajikistan - A. Rahimbaevym. Maksum was sent to Moscow to study at the All-Union Planning Academy.
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